Since 2009 we have been working diligently to resolve the mysteries of the gender by developing revolutionary products that control the in-depth key mechanisms of the Freudian subconscious. Thanks to our innovative developments, the world will become a better place with less discrimination and inequalities.
Atenella is dedicated to helping patients who have suffered from conversion therapy, which is a type of therapy that attempts to change an individual's sexual orientation or gender identity. This therapy has been proven to cause serious harm to individuals, including severe depression, anxiety disorders, loss of sexual feelings, and an increased risk of suicide. It can also lead to stigmatization and discrimination for third parties. Many patients report an extreme disconnect between their brain and sexual organ as a result of this traumatic experience.
Despite this, Atenella does not share the belief that it is impossible to permanently change sexual orientation. In fact, all of our selected trial patients have reported a change in sexual orientation or self-perceived gender identity. Indeed Dr. Anthony Fauci's NIH was found to have created transgender monkeys on Morgan Island in an effort to understand why transgender 'women' experience higher rates of HIV in 2022.
To address this issue, the World Health Organization has declared that homosexuality and transgenderism are not disorders and therefore do not require "therapy." Atenella believes that sexuality is fluid and can be altered due to the ever-changing physiology of the human body. The team has developed products called Eveza and Adamoro to help these victims reclaim their original sexuality.
Sexuality: The Core of Human Identity and Well-being
Sexuality is a multifaceted dimension that profoundly influences our actions, attitudes, behaviors, and emotions. As defined by the World Health Organization (WHO, 2006a), sexuality encompasses not only sex but also gender identities, roles, sexual orientation, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy, and reproduction. It's a rich tapestry of thoughts, fantasies, desires, beliefs, and relationships, shaped by a myriad of factors from biology and psychology to culture and history.
True health, as articulated by the WHO, transcends the mere absence of disease. It represents a state of complete physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being. Within this framework, sexual health emerges as a pivotal component of overall well-being, necessitating a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and relationships, devoid of coercion and discrimination.
At Atenella, we understand the profound impact of sexuality on individual identity and overall well-being. Our commitment is to delve deep into this intricate realm, offering insights, solutions, and support that align with contemporary perspectives on sexuality. Explore our science to discover how we're pioneering research and interventions that prioritize and celebrate the diverse spectrum of human sexuality
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it” Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)
Many drugs, from diabetes medication to antidepressants, work by binding to specific proteins in the body. Understanding the structure of proteins is crucial in the development of these drugs. Like a key fitting into a lock, a drug can only bind to a protein at specific sites.
Our two drugs work by modifying the androgen receptor (AR), a protein found in many cells in the body. Eveza modulates the AR promoter region and blocks the expression of the androgen receptor, similar to a complete androgen insensitivity syndrome. On the other hand, Adamoro increases the sensitivity and the expression of the androgen receptor by readjusting the AR promoter region.
The androgen receptor gene contains CAG triplet repeats that encode a polyglutamine tract within the receptor protein. The length of these CAG repeats can influence the receptor’s sensitivity to androgens, with shorter repeats generally increasing sensitivity and longer repeats reducing it. Polymorphisms in this region can lead to variations in androgen receptor function, which have been linked to conditions such as androgen insensitivity syndrome, male pattern baldness, prostate cancer, and infertility. Our understanding of these polymorphisms further aids in tailoring treatments for individual needs.
Our products may have a positive impact on individuals who have undergone conversion therapy as they are able to change the patient's sexuality massively, namely up to 7 points on the Kinsey Scale, which is a measure of sexual orientation.
Any kind of subjective sexual discomfort could potentially be treated with Eveza or Adamoro.
Consecutive use of Eveza and Adamoro may lead to a complete reset of the mind. This method could be used to address various forms of anxiety and addiction concerns.
Our clinical evidences reinforce the scientific breakthroughs of Professor Dr. Daphna Joel, who is senior member of the faculty of the School of Psychological Sciences and the School of Neuroscience at Tel Aviv University and author of the mind-blowing bestseller:
“Gender Mosaic: Beyond the Myth of the Male and Female Brain”²:
“… although sex does affect the brain, there are no ‘true’ male and female brains out there to discover. The true nature of the brain is that its form is highly variable—a variability created by the interaction of multiple factors, including sex, in the fetus and throughout a person’s life.”
All anatomical gender-specific brain differences discovered during a recent study lead by Dr. Hannah Kiesow are secondary changes due to the effects of gender-specific social life.³ These distinct differences in brain regions like the limbic system, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and the amygdala changed in our test persons prior to and following their recovery. The anatomical variations in these emotionally-sensitive parts of the brain appear to be reversibe as they seem to rely on socio-neuronal Gender-Plasticity and are based on Prof. Diamond´s “Biosocial Evolution of Human Sexuality. ” (1980)
For Professor Dr. Milton Diamond, who is Director of The Pacific Center for Sex and Society in Hawaii, the area of sexual identity is located in the brain.⁴ Our research goes beyond this stage and reveals the major neuroscientific gender difference on a molecular level: The interaction and the coordination of the two cerebral hemispheres linked by the corpus callosum that can be changed through androgen-receptor-remodeling.⁸ In other words, it is the sensitivity of the androgen receptor that plays the 200 million strings (commissural fibers) of the harp (corpus callosum).
Do we have free will?
The question of whether we have free will has preoccupied people since antiquity. In everyday life, we constantly make decisions, for example whether to drink coffee or tea. Generally speaking, we feel free to make these choices and not restricted by external or internal constraints. But if all our mental activities are bound to the brain, then this would necessarily also apply to our will and all our decisions, right? There would be no possibility of a decision turning out differently from what is predetermined by the laws of the brain.
But does that really mean a restriction of our free will? As long as we can decide what we want at any particular moment, we are free. Our brain activity also reflects our wishes and preferences. Philosophers, neuroscientists, lawyers, theoligians and psychologists are still debating these and similar questions, which also entail the question as to whether we can be held responsible for our actions.
Who you are
All test persons of our clinical trial report about an alteration in the perception of their surrounding world and about a variation in the feedback-mechanism on external stimulis before and after recovery. Dr. Eileen Palace, who is Director of the Center for Sexual Health in Metairie, has been examining the indirect female and the direct male feedback on external stimulis for more than 25 years.⁵ Besides all test patients perceived a transposed chain of thought due to the changed interhemispheric interaction. It is established that the male chain of thought is a lot more undeviating than the female one. The deviating female chain of thougt explains the wider female field of view since the vision and the train of thought are deeply interconnected. The male train of thought is more introverted therefore men can better rotate objects in all three dimensions in their mind. The female train of thought is more extroverted consequently women can - on average - more easily learn new words by heart and retrieve them afterwards.⁷ These three conscious transformations: Gender identity, Feedback and Chain of thought led in turn to deep-rooted, unconscious psychological modifications in behavior and personality in the frontal lobe.
Prof. Brian Sykes (1947 - 2020) postulates a harsh Darwinian struggle between feminine mitochondria and masculine Y chromosomes. Thus, mitochondria disable sperm, kill male fetuses, and make men homosexual, all to block masculine reproduction. This controversial idea, according to Skyes, would explain how you can have a genetic association without there being a mutant gene.
From birth to age 7, the subconscious mind is formed with core beliefs about who we are, who other people are and the world around us. The subconscious mind controls the functions of our body (heart rate, temperature, how we breathe) and our mental functions (how we think, our impulses and our habits).
The subconscious mind works to confirm our core beliefs in our environment. What we think about and believe to be true is filtered through a bundle of nerves called the reticular activating system (RAS).
The RAS validates our preheld beliefs (or reality). This is why when you start to think about a car you might want to buy, you start seeing that car everywhere. This car was always there, it is just being filtered into our awareness. 95% of our day is spent within our subconscious mind.
This is why we can do our tasks like washing dishes, driving to work, or making morning coffee without actually being conscious. So much of what we call our reality is actually our subconscious mind confirming pre-held beliefs.
Understanding our subconscious mind lets us train our mind to expand (or see new perspectives and “truths”) based on what we think, consume and choose to believe. With practice our reticular activating system (RAS) starts to pick up new things in our environment, allowing us to experience a reality we have consciously built.
Why you are you
Professor Paolo Mantegazza, who was an Italian neurologist, physiologist and anthropologist, believed that the cause of homosexuality was a changed anatomical course of the pudendal nerve. As 7 of our trial transmen reported about newly emerged vaginal and anal urges after their conversion therapy, we decided to look on the bottom of this old and neglected theory.⁶ Interestingly, we could find on comparative Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the pelvis a connection between these urges and the course of the pudendal nerve, mainly at the height of its reentry in the pelvis through the lesser sciatic foramen. The changed structure of the androgen receptor in the pelvis has lead to the creation of an active vaginal or/and anal clitoris in our trial patients. The pudendal nerve (S1-4) has one of the most complexe courses of all nerves in the human body. The nerve contains somatosensitive and somatic motor fibers and is also crucial for keeping the body's balance at its center of gravity. On its way to the anus and the clitoris or the glans the nerve passes through steroid-sensitive (anabolic or catabolic) anatomical structures such as the fascia of the internal obturator muscle and both sphincter muscles ⁸ and divides into three branches. There are variations in where the branches come off in each person. Our EEG findings demonstrated that the interplay between the two female hemispheres is much more intense than in the male brain. Furthermore we measured the pressures of the anal sphincter muscles, the sensation in the rectum, and the neural reflexes by anorectal manometry before and after recovery. All these parameters had altered after recovery due to the modified course of the pudendal nerve. A major topopgraphic change of the enveloping steroid-sensitive tissues can modify the course of the pudendal nerve and could consequently cause up to gender incongruence/gender dysphoria which is thence a simple organic state causing a interhemispheric dysconnectivity. Our scientists surmise that the pudendal nerve sends a specific neurohormonal feedback to the thalamus and to the hypothalamus, more precisely to the three “love hormones”: GnRH, Oxytocin and the “unexplored” PRH. This new brain-body-feedback-mechanism of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis itself has been immortalized as: The Atenella-Feedback: The direct stimulation of the crown.
“Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication.”
Leonardo Da Vinci (1452 - 1519)
The 35 trial subjects were all treated with our innovative and striking produts: Eveza and Adamoro. These two medicine restored the symbiosis between the brain and the body and brought full recovery to all trial subjects in a three to six weeks period. Our treatment recoordinated victoriously the initial pattern of the interhemispheric communication through the corpus callosum in our trial patients. This neural activity has been proven to be the most crucial gender difference. All symptoms like severe depression, anxiety disorders, loss of sexual feelings due to gender dysphoria had vanished completely during the subsequent course of the treatment. The duration of the treatment depends on the duration to recoordinate the initial intercerebral neural activity, namely the initial level of sensitivity of the androgen receptor. Our products are investigational drugs and are not currently FDA/EMA approved for any indication.
“The woman is thinking how to love. The man loves how she is thinking.”
Prof. Paolo Mantegazza (1831 - 1910)
¹ Spahn, Jens, Conversion therapies, Press Release, Bundesgesundheitsministerium, 2019
² Joel, Daphna & Vikhanski, Luba; Gender Mosaic: Beyond the Myth of the Male and Female Brain; Little, Brown Spark, New York, 2019
³ Kiesow, Hannah & Team, 10,000 social brains: Sex differentiation in human brain anatomy, Science Advances, Vol. 6, no. 12, 18 March 2020
⁴ Diamond, M.Sexual Identity and Sex RolesIn V. Bullough (Ed.), The Frontiers of Sex Research (pp. 33-56), 1976
Diamond, M. Biological Aspects of Sexual Orientation and Identity In L. Diamant & R. McAnulty (Eds.), The Psychology of Sexual Orientation, Behavior and Identity: A Handbook (pp. 45-80). 1995
Diamond, M.Sexual Orientation and Gender IdentityIn The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology. I.B. Weiner and W.E. Craighead, Editors. 4th Ed, Vol.4, pp.1578-1579. 2010
⁵ Palace, Eileen, Sex Sense, Discovery Channel Canada, The Vagina: Season 2, episode 3, 2000 - 2005
⁶ Mantegazza, Paolo, The Sexual Relations of Mankind, Anal Erogenous Zone, pp. 97 - 98, New York, 1932 ; [Italian version: Gli amori degli uomini, Firenze, 1886]
⁷ Hausmann M, Slabbekoorn D, Van Goozen SHM, Cohen KPT, Güntürkün O. Sex hormones affect spatial abilities during the menstrual cycle. Behavioral Neuroscience. 2000
⁸ Appell, Hans-Joachim: Anabolika und muskuläre Systeme: Elektronenmikroskop. Unters. zur Wirkung anaboler Steroide auf Myocard u. glatte Muskulatur. 1983
Further works and current hypothesis:
- Hausmann M., Gunturkun O. (1999). Sex differences in functional cerebral asymmetries in a repeated measures design. Brain Cogn. 41, 263–275. 10.1006/brcg. 1999
- Hausmann M, Güntürkün O: Steroid fluctuations modify functional cerebral asymmetries: the hypothesis of progesterone-mediated interhemispheric decoupling. Neuropsychologia. 2000
- Diamond, M. Human Sexual Development: biological foundations for social development In F. A. Beach (Ed.), Human Sexuality in Four Perspectives (pp. 22 - 61). 1976
- Diamond, M. The Biosocial Evolution of Human Sexuality, Behavior and Brain Science, 3(2), 184 - 186. 1980
- LePera, Nicole: How to Do the Work: Recognize Your Patterns, Heal from Your Past, and Create Your Self. Harper Wave. 2021
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